Verified 2017 waec animal Husbandry obj and theory answers

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     1 a )
    i ) Not enough drinking water
    ii ) No feed or decreased feed intake
    iii ) Low calcium in the feed
    iv ) Newcastle disease ( NCD)
    v ) Infectious bronchitis ( IB )
    vi ) Poor management
    1 b )
    i ) Mouth
    ii ) Small intestines
    iii ) Large intestines
    1 c )
    i ) For food production e. g milk and meat
    ii ) They are used as source of power in the farm .
    iii ) They serve as source of hides .
    iv ) They serve as source of income to farmers
    v ) They provides raw materials for industry .
    vi ) Their horns are used for decoration .
    1 d )
    i ) Poultry Eggs are used for food
    ii ) They serve as raw materials for industry
    iii ) They serve as source of income for farmers.
    iv ) it serve as garden aid
    v ) It is a cure for the common hangover
    6 a )
    Animal improvement is a complex
    process which involves modification of the genotype and the environment in an harmonious fashion .
    6 bi )
    the bringing into the farm or a country high quality breeds of livestock with a high productive capacity and other good desirable characteristics from another farm or country .
    6 bii )
    - Advantage -
    i ) Breeds which are not originally present in the home country are introduced .
    ii ) It leads to the absence of pests and diseases .
    iii ) It enhance greater productivity .
    - Disadvantage-
    i ) It may introduce new disease to the area .
    ii ) It may introduce new pests to the area .
    iii ) It may not perform maximally.
    6 ci )
    progeny Selection is the process of picking or selecting from a mixed population, those animals with breeding value as parents.
    6 cii )
    i ) It ensures that only the best naturally available animals are selected.
    ii ) Animals with desirable characteristics are selected.
    iii ) Animals with undesirablecharacteristics are detected and rejected .
    iv ) Animals from best breeds are bred for distribution .
    v ) It also reduced the spread or parasites associated with breeding stocks .
    6 d )
    i ) It is easier and less expensive than natural mating. Since the farmer is saved the expense of maintaining a herd or male animal .
    ii ) It is easier and cheaper to import the semen of exotic breeds rather than the male animals themselves .
    iii ) It is possible to service many female of different size leading to the production of many offspring .
    5 a )
    i ) Carbohydrates serve as source of energy in animal body .
    ii ) Carbohydrate functions as Hormone in animals .
    iv ) Carbohydrate functions as Antigen in animals .
    iv ) Carbohydrate functions as framework in animal body .
    5 b )
    i ) Nose and Nasal Cavity .
    ii ) Lung
    iii ) Trachea .
    iv ) Bronchi and Bronchioles .
    5 c )
    i ) Allergic Rhinitis and Enzootic Nasal Granuloma in animals .
    ii ) Sinusitis in animals .
    5 di )
    Exhalation is the flow of the respiratory current out of the organism .
    5 dii)
    Inhalation is the process of breathing in,
    taking air and sometimes other substances into the lungs.
    5 diii )
    Peristalsis is a series of wave - like muscle contractions that moves food to
    different processing stations in the digestive tract .
    5 div )
    Ovulation is when an egg moves from the ovaries into the fallopian tubes and is ready for fertilization .
    5 dv )
    rumination is the way that animals eat , storing their partially - digested food in a special stomach called a rumen , to be brought back up later and chewed more thoroughly .

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  • doktoh bash: Thursday, 4 May 2017 at May 04, 2017 (edit)
  • Label(s): Waec
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